Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing is central to all learning at Resurrection School. Our Wellbeing Policy prioritises our aim to maintain a caring, supportive, safe environment in our school. The main focus is for students to develop strategies which promote respect, responsibility, resilience and positive attitudes. If relationship issues arise between students, we work to restore these using the Restorative Practices model. We are a ‘Be You’ school. We focus on the needs of students in all areas of learning, including: emotional, social, intellectual and behavioural development. We offer support to individual students and small groups in many ways, including: School Counselling, ‘Peaceful Kids’ and ‘Good Grief’ programs.


Student Wellbeing programs involve whole school strategies such as: Values Education, Circle Time, Restorative Practice, Say No to Bullying, Positive Education / Personal Development activities, Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), Mindfulness and Farm 2 Table. The School Expectations (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Resilient) are promoted at Assemblies and are linked to student  awards.


Students may participate in a variety of clubs during recess and lunch times.  These may include:  gardening, table tennis, mini golf, dance, choir, coding, library, soccer, art, chill out and homework.

Each student in our school has a buddy from another year level.  This relationship provides friendship and support in school activities. In 2012, we joined the Better Buddies Program (Alannah and Madeline Foundation).


The Positive Behaviour for Learning Expectations: Be Resilient, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, are prominently displayed in all rooms and are taught and constantly referred to. Students are taught what the expectations are and the reason for each.


The ‘Stop, Walk, Talk’ strategy, Restorative Practices Model and Circle Time focus on respect of self and others and improving student safety and behaviour.

Students have the opportunity to participate in ‘Mindfulness’ activities including, maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of their thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment, through gentle, conscious behaviours. Our school community participates in different activities, such as: meditation, deep breathing, focusing and other Mindful strategies.